Main Web API Documentation Information
Actual Page/Function Name:
Human Readable Name or Caption:
Search Customers
Page/Function Description:
This method will search for customers and contacts.
Page/Function Output Type:
Extra Page/Function Notes:

Scope Name Type Default Description Required Alternates Known Values
Arguments BUSINESS_NAME String Pass in the business name. If you want to tweak this out, set the match business value to 0 and then enter a value that you want to search for. With the match set to 0 (like), you could potentially search for multiple different fields. Yes
Arguments CORP_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the corp id number. Yes
Arguments CUSTOMER_STATUS String all Pass in the string all, the number 1, or the number 0 to help filter the records. Yes
Arguments CUSTOMER_TYPE_ID Numeric 1 Pass in the customer type id number. Use the value of 1 for all. Yes
Arguments FIRST_NAME String Pass in the first name. Yes
Arguments LAST_NAME String Pass in the last name. Yes
Arguments MATCH_BUSINESS_NAME Numeric 0 Pass in 1 for exact and 0 for like. Yes
Arguments MATCH_FIRST_NAME Numeric 0 Pass in 1 for exact and 0 for like. Yes
Arguments MATCH_LAST_NAME Numeric 0 Pass in 1 for exact and 0 for like. Yes
Arguments SALESPERSON_ID_FILTER Numeric 1 Pass in the salesperson id number filter. Use 1 for open or a specific user/payee id number to filter the records. Yes
Arguments SORT_ID Numeric 4 Pass in a 1 for business, 2 for last name, 3 for first name, and 4 for any name. Yes
Arguments ZIP String Pass in the zip code. Yes

corpSettings Missing the correct corp-wide settings. Unable to proceed. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if no corp settings could be found associated with the CORP_ID.
dbZero Unable to get the required corp-wide settings. Missing some data. Use your back button and try again. This is a catch for any errors that occur while accessing the database.
dataIn Unable to get a list of [default_customer_name](s). Missing some data. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if missing one or more of the following arguments: CORP_ID, CUSTOMER_TYPE_ID.
db Unable to connect to the database. Missing a list of [default_customer_name](s). Use your back button and try again. This is a catch for any errors that occur while accessing the database.

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