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This method will either add or edit a sub inventory record.
This method will check a part or stock number to make sure it is ok to add to an invoice.
This method get's all inventory from a specified corp. Somewhat simplified. If you need more details and information, use the getWebGeneralInventory method.
This web service will get all parts and general inventory categories.
This API will get the corporation special account transaction summary.
This page will allow for the cart favorites to be looked up for use in an api setting
Get the parent flex attribute value by the part id (main id) and the attribute id (sub id)
This method will get basic info for a single part number. Often this method is used inside the main secure system and provides a few extra fields as compared with the simple web version. See the getPartNumberDetails method for more basic info.
This web service will return the main part number info and any photo info for the item. Use this method to get basic web inventory details for a single item.
This method gets sub inventory for a single item or part number.
This gets a single sub inventory attribute value. Sub inventory gets pretty deep. You have a parent item, you have subs or child packages, and each sub or sub package may have one or more sub attributes (data points). This is for the sub attribute values.
This method gets a single package or piece of sub inventory by the id number.
This web service will return general web inventory data and information for parts, items, and services. This is the general parts or item search method. Results also include basic information for sub inventory (child items) and special tiered pricing.
This web service will return general web inventory data and information for parts, items, and services and will filter by edit date. This is the general parts or item search method. Results also include basic information for sub inventory (child items) and special tiered pricing.
This is the mixed cart search method. It will search barcodes for parts, flex grid tie-ins, recipe/builds, and my cart favorite buttons.
This page will allow for the cart favorites to be looked up for use in an api setting. This method is actually being phased out. Please refer to this: getMyCartFavorites
This is a quick and dirty parts quantity check for one or more items at a time.